Free Software Downloads::Desktop::Screen Savers: Nature::Sim Aquarium

Sim Aquarium 3.8.58

Sim Aquarium screenshot

Sim Aquarium - a hyper-realistic 3D virtual aquarium!

Sim Aquarium brings the most realistic coral reef aquarium to your computer screen. Its stunning, photo-realistic graphics recreate the beauty of 3D fish swimming freely in a 3D environment, including reef, with live clams and swaying sea life. Sim Aquarium brings you as close to a living, growing reef as you can get on your computer. Sim Aquarium is designed to put to good use capabilities of modern computer hardware and latest technonogies. There is no flat background and rigid/stiff fishies like in most aquarium screensavers today. Sim Aquarium features: - Two intricately detailed 3D coral reef scenes and two different anemone scenes - Highly detailed 3D fish models with complex artificial intelligence, swimming behaviors and appearance - Up to seven Percula Clownfish in full interaction with swaying sea anemones - Realistic anemone tentacles physics and fluid simulation - Interaction with clownfish and their environment - Dynamic water and lighting effects - 3D glasses and monitors supported. - Advanced graphic effects like fish iridescence, raytraced light caustics, complex water surface - Four different soundscapes - Can be used as live desktop wallpaper.

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Program Details

Released: 2014-05-05
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 233
License Type: Freeware
Platform: Android,iPhone,iPod,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP

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