Free Software Downloads::Business::Databases & Tools::Ace Contact Manager

Ace Contact Manager

Ace Contact Manager screenshot

SME -Manage Customer, Product, Provider & Campaign with ACE Contact Manager CRM

ACE Contact Manager CRM Scheduler - helps to manage Customer, Products, Staff or Provider, scheduling events, tasks, Plan the Opportunity, manage documents for each contacts, manage expenses for each contacts and Survey. Highly user friendly, customizable - change any screen label in your own language to your own Label, Print Invoice in your currency. 24 X 7 email Support from support at goace dot com Download Trial Today from goace dot com Multi-user, multiple database Affordable No Administrator Required 100 users in the US - some are using for last 15 years through different versions. 15 users in Canada, 3 in UK. Please check "Testimonial" on Please join Group - ACE7CRM on linkedIn

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Program Details

Released: 2013-07-18
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 526
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinServer
Price: $139.00 US

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