Free Software Downloads::Desktop::Other::eXtra Buttons

eXtra Buttons 2.2.5-beta

eXtra Buttons screenshot

eXtra Buttons: Utility buttons in the title of the window

eXtra Buttons helps to organize your workspace and improve your productivity. It adds a couple of features to the title bar or the system menu of the windows. Includes following features and tweaks : * Always on top - places window on the top of the other windows, so it is always visible whether or not it has the focus. * Send to back - places window under others, so it will not bother you. * Copy window - starts a copy of the application as the new window. * Roll-up/Unroll - minimizes window to its caption, so you can see only caption line with the title of the window. * Minimize to Box - minimizes window and places its icon on the Desktop in customized place. * Transparency - makes the window transparent according to adjusted level. You may adjust any default transparency level. * Percentage transparency - makes the window transparent according to percents from pop-up Transparency Menu. * Minimize to Tray - minimizes window and places its icon to System Tray. * Minimize to Tray Menu -minimizes window and places its icon to System Tray Menu. * Move to Another Monitor - places the window on another screen. * Click through mode ? makes the window transparent according to adjusted level and also transparent for a mouse activity. * Full screen ? opens the window so it covers whole screen. Very helpfull with applications which do not support full-screen mode natively. * Bookmarks ? adds the application or folder to the adjustable Bookmarks list and provides quick access to the most frequently used applications. You will love eXtra Buttons if you really appreciate your time and like to keep things organized!

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Program Details

Released: 2013-07-08
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 305
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,Win98

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