Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::File & Disk Management::GetFolder Nu

GetFolder Nu 1.0

GetFolder Nu screenshot

GetFolder Nu, fast Folder search tool. Needs 3-6 characters to reach the Folder.

'GetFolder Nu' is for those who often get lost in the maze of Folders searching for Folders and the Files in them. Either by need or inadvertently, a File gets saved in many Folders. These Folders find place at various levels of Folder hierarchy. Hence, being at loss while, searching for them is natural. 'GetFolder Nu' is to jump to the destination folder instantly. It is a small window of 2.0 x 0.5 inches. Type a part-word or two which you remember from the Folder path. For example, for a Folder path 'C:\Customers\North Zone\Alaska\Bulk\2009\Blue Bells\January', one may type 'blu ala'. Note that three to six characters suffice to reach the Folder. You save mouse-clicks, you save time. Note that you need not even input the words in the order in which they appear in the Folder path. Matching folders refresh and show up in tandem with each character typed. 'GetFolder Nu' opens the Folder in Explorer with the Folder path pre-navigated and highlighted for your convenience. It instantly creates new word file or excel file in the destination Folder. It helps create shortcut by mere drag-and-drop of Emails or Files in the destination Folder, as an auxiliary storage. Indexing takes place at the time of installation. Routine indexing is self-induced. This keeps the user free of the hassles of maintenance of the software. The software is at your beck with the typing of a set of shortcut keys. With this software you may save your Files/Folders unrestrained. Happy Folder searching!

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Program Details

Released: 2010-05-10
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 182
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win2000
Price: $14.95 US

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